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20070728 - 20070801 Buckhorn 84
20070728 - 20070801 Buckhorn 84
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(Hits: 21276)
20070101 New Year's Day (13)
20070111-12 Great Wolf Lodge (11)
20070421 Ball's Falls (20)
20070609 Toronto Zoo (48)
20070616 Father's Day (14)
20070625 Andrew and Matthew Sleeping (4)
One evening we went into the boys bedroom to say good night, and this is the way they were sleeping.
20070706 and 20070712 at Marineland (20)
We all have seasons passes to Marineland this year, so we have gone a several times.
20070728 - 20070801 Buckhorn (104)
The annual trip up to Buckhorn is always fantastic. Graham went up for a few days, and then dropped off the boys at Lisa's parent's house on the way home. Lisa stayed up at the cottage for the full week.
20070827 Playing in Niagara Falls (16)
20070831 Merriton Lions Club Carnival (5)
20070924 Bronto's Adventure Playland (13)
There is a new attraction on Clifton Hill called Bronto's Adventure Playland. It is essentially just a big indoor jungle gym. The boys loved it!
20071008 Thanksgiving 2007 (10)
Halloween 2007 (31)
20071109 Bowling with Andrew and Matthew (13)
20071113 Andrew and Matthew in Autumn 2007 (7)
20071212 Youth Christmas Party (13)
20071224 Christmas Eve Party (10)
20071225 Christmas Day (24)
20071227-29 Christmas Dinner at Church (95)

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