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20060908 Andrew's Surgery 05
20060908 Andrew's Surgery 05
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(Hits: 46641)
20070619 3D Ultrasound (38)
20071004 Christine's Day 1 (33)
20071011 Christine's First Week (37)
20071018 Christine's Second Week (30)
20071025 Christine's Third Week (19)
20071104 Christine's First Month (32)
20071104 Christine's Blessing Day (47)
20071204 Christine's Second Month (45)
20080104 Christine's Third Month (33)
20080304 Christine's 4th and 5th Months (42)
20080504 Christine's 6th and 7th Months (65)
20080804 Christine's 8th, 9th, and 10th Month (18)

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